Thursday, April 16, 2009

# 11: Magazine Article

Although it is more on the entertainment side, I decided to write about the Forbes article 'Slumdog' filmmakers give Mumbai charity $747, 500, because of the economical impact it will have. The article claims “The makers of the hit movie "Slumdog Millionaire" have donated $747,500 to a charity devoted to improving the lives of street children in Mumbai, the filmmakers said Thursday.” It goes to show you that even with the economical problems we have today some people are still worried about helping out other, less fortunate people. It is good to see that Hollywood still acknowledges that they have the power to changes people’s lives for the better and that they can make a difference with their excess money. The article says that the money will go to Plan, an organization that has been trying to help the children of India since 1979. I gathered from the article that the organization helps to educate children as their goal is to educate 5,000 slum kids in the next five years, but other than that it does not say much about the organization. The movie made more than $300 million worldwide and got a lot of criticism for not helping out the children of Mumbai and exploiting its child stars. The donation is in response to all the criticism and I think it will really help their image. The only issue is that they are donating the money just for their image, but either way the children get the money so it all works out in the end.

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